Hammarlund's original ad for the 170 said, "for single sideband at its very best." The HC-10 SB convertor had the same IF as the 170, so it's good. The 170 is ham-band only, 160-6 meters, triple conversion on 40 & higher, double on 160 & 80.
HQ-170 no. 1, s/n 268, finished 3/22/02
Cabinet stripped & repainted, panel stripped, painted, silk-screened. Electrical work as req'd (not much), added fil. xfmr to keep 1st conv. osc. filament on all the time, similar to the "A" model. Full alignment. This is a very clean receiver, as can be seen.
Please realize that these pix aren't high-resolution, and that some things may be missed, and some "non-things" may show as bright or dark spots. The close-ups are a good representation of the actual.
Click on thumbnail to see full size pic.
Thanks for looking,
Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
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And remember; "-They donīt make tubes nowadays like they used to..."
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